Phil and Chris

Phil and Chris

Sunday 6 July 2014

A few days in the Cameroon Highands

We travelled through the Highlands with Jane in December.  This time we visited because the weather is cool.  Having seen a few of the sights last time, we returned to our favorites...the BOH Tea plantation and a strawberry farm.
The plantation is beautiful.  Acres and acres of tea plants neatly tended set amidst the steep and picturesque hills.  It was Sunday, so no tea was being picked, or "plucked" as they say here, but we enjoyed the views and a cup of tea.
 Above is a photo of the manager's house, where he could keep an eye on the workers with a telescope.  The tea is cut every 3 weeks or so, more often in the wet season (December, January).
 Next we stopped at a strawberry farm where they grow the berries in green houses year round.

 Let me introduce myself, I'm Al, the little Alpaca.  I'm helping Buster out with some of the blog entries now, he's a little worn out, likes staying on the boat with all the duty free wine and beer in Langkawi, and he is weary of being mobbed by crazy fans when we're out.
Mainly we stopped at the strawberry farm so Phil and Chris could enjoy the delicious strawberry snacks.
Speaking of eating, that is the other thing Chris and Phil like doing best.  There are plenty of Indian restaurants here in Tanah Rata.  We had dinner last night and even Phil got involved in making Naan bread.

There is Phil with the uncooked Naan.  The dough is formed and placed on a damp cloth covered shape and then placed in the Tandoori oven.
 There is the bread baking on the wall of the oven.
As the bread is taken out of the oven a batch of marinated chicken pieces is placed inside to cook for about 25 minutes.
There is Phil messing around with the cleaver.
Chris's meal was served on a banana leaf. 
In December, we were here with our friend Jane. I managed to find Buster's photos from that trip but noticed that Buster never posted any of them.  We did a day tour and enjoyed the BOH tea plantation.

We also visited a vegetable and strawberry farm.  Here are rows and rows of lettuce plants.  The whole farm is sloping so the angle of the photo isn't really due to bad photography. 
Most of our visits culminated in the tasting areas and here we all are enjoying some of the strawberry treats.
Back to our present visit (July 2014)...we decided to hike some of the many trails in the area.  We started the day with large Indian breakfast of roti and curries.

Now to hit the trails.
We are really enjoying this cooler weather...great for our hiking.
Some of the pretty flowers along the way...
The trail ended at a forestry center and we continued along next to a golf course.
We'd hoped to stop at the local famous place "Ye Old Smokehouse" but once we got there we didn't find the casual English pub that we expected, but rather a really up market establishment that we weren't dressed for.  We managed to hitch the last 5 km in an ancient land rover like this one (left over from the British in the '60's.

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