Phil and Chris

Phil and Chris

Saturday, 18 February 2012

A conundrum

We are still enjoying ourselves in Florida.  We're about to head into the Everglades again after a few exciting days at the Miami boat show, and the blog is once again slightly behind.  Phil and Chris are always complaining to me about the blog being behind, and I've expressed my wishes for a smart phone.  We saw some great portable Wifi gadgets at the show, but they wouldn't get them for me either.

We have an observation to make.  One day walking through a shopping mall we were stopped by a fellow selling skin care products, and each jar started out at $59.00.  By the time we explained that we weren't interested and walked away a few times, the price for a set of 2 jars was $29.00.  Nice discounting.  Now why doesn't that seem to be the case with boats or RV's???!

Miami was really interesting, water everywhere, canals and boats and islands.  It is just great for water loving bears and people, and of course there are palm trees which are a welcome sight to those of us that shudder at the mere thought of snow and freezing temperatures.  We tried some of the Cuban food and enjoyed it, rarely do we find food that we don't like.

I will be back with more news when I can get my paws on some photos and if they don't feed me to the 'gators.

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