Phil and Chris

Phil and Chris

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Ships in Baltimore

I was still busy dodging and weaving around the RV with that crazy 'roo.  Bouncing and boxing, that is all he seems to know, what sort of charachter is this?

Phil and Chris went to see a few ships in the harbour.

 The USS Constellation
 A former Light Ship and the USS Torsk ( the sub)
A fleet of little dragon boats that can be hired to paddle around the harbor.

 Phil at the helm

 The crews quarters were far from luxurious, nor was there a lot of head room down there.
 The sick bay was the scariest part, with a diagram of how to do a simple amputation on display.  That seems to have been their most common "fix", and one can only imagine the horrible conditions down there in which it all happened.  Below is a bunk in the sick bay.
 The Torsk
 Cozy seems an understatement...
 The Sub is also open for visitors to spend as much time as we wanted to crawl around and fiddle with all the dials and things.  Winter is their quiet time so we had things to ourselves.

This sign just needed to be photographed. 
Can you think of anywhere you'd like to post a similar notice??!

This is my second time preparing this post, I totally lost the first one...where does it go???  I will stop here to avoid another mishap.

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