Phil and Chris

Phil and Chris

Wednesday 23 November 2011

New RV

They found an RV for our little Road Trip adventure.  Once we checked it out at the dealer, we drove both RV's back to El Monte and returned the rental.  The rental was a gas (petrol) engine, and very thirsty.  Our RV is a diesel and not so thirsty.
We were ready to head north with the goal of getting to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving.  When we left Texas Phil and Chris were both wearing shorts.  I was fuzzily naked, because that's how it is. One day on the road however, and warm clothes were required for the humans!  Brr...they really complained a lot about the cold. 

A scenic route was chosen away from the interstate and through the western part of Arkansas into the Ozark mountains...hillbilly country.  We stayed at a couple of National parks which were closed for the season, and most of the facilities were shut down (electricity, showers and toilets) however there was running water.  With our little RV we are self contained and happy to camp in the desolate parks.  Hiking is always planned in these great places, however we realized that it was hunting season here which curtailed some of the walking.  There are deer, and one hunter said they are trying to increase the number of elk and even mountain lions in the area, but we didn't see anything like that. 

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