Phil and Chris

Phil and Chris

Monday 19 December 2011

Travelling south and looking for warmer weather

The US Air force museum in Dayton, Ohio is not to be missed if you have any sort of interest in military history or aviation.  There are displays from the days of the Wright brothers on up to todays modern equipment.  The hangers are huge and we went through pretty quickly having only a half day to see things. 

There are several space capsules on display as well as a room full of rockets.

After our day at the USAF museum, we went to Kentucky, the bluegrass state and home to the Kentucky Derby (roughly the US equivalent of the Melbourne Cup).  We drove past many beautiful horse farms, however the sight of a polar bear makes everyone nervous and we don't have these photos.

We did, however, tour the Buffalo Trace bourbon distillary.  Mainly there are large vats where the bourbon ferments and then barrels in all sorts of old brick buildings where it all ages.  After any number of years it is filtered and bottled here in this room.

Needless to say, I got into all sorts of trouble at the distillary.  It all started in the tasting room and things sort of got out of hand.  Phil and Chris are threatening to send me back to Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Chris and Phil, don't be too tough on poor Buster---it's easy to get into trouble at a distillery!!
    Keep us looks like you are having a marvelous time.
    Also, I hear bourbon is still good for "medicinal" purposes.
    Happy travels!
