Phil and Chris

Phil and Chris

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Busy tour of the south west

Hello again.  After our little delay in Albuquerque, we headed west on I-40 to a National Monument called El Malpais and had a look at some of the pretty sandstone cliffs, and did a little hiking.

Sometimes we get sunset shots of the cliffs and other times we manage to get up early for sunrise photos.  We are not always as well informed as we should be however, and we get to a place and realize that the photos would be nicer with the light from the other direction.  Such is life.

We also went to the Hubble Trading post in Arizona, on the way to Canyon de Chelly. The trading post is still in business, and is the longest running trading post around.  Below is the old oven for baking all the bread.
 This is part of the post where farm machinery and buggies are kept.

We went for an excellent hike at Canyon de Chelly, down to the bottom of the canyon where there are ruins.

Finally we went to the Petrified Forest, also in Arizona, and drove through in about half a day.   

The photos loaded well today which makes for a happy bear.  It must be wine o'clock now.

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